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Here at Chi Alpha, we love opportunities to serve our campus! We have many serve teams that range from playing guitar for worship to driving the equipment van Thursday nights so everyone has an opportunity to share the talents God has given them with our campus!


Fill out the form below to start serving!

Make a difference,
serve on a team!

What do the Serve Teams do?

Greeting Team 

Being a part of the Greeting Team means that you get to make sure everyone who attends our Chi Alpha weekly service feels welcomed and delighted in! We do this by greeting everyone with a smile and a high-five as they enter the service.
• Time Commitment: 10-15 minutes before a Chi Alpha service whenever you are available


Setup & Teardown Team

The Setup & Teardown Team makes sure our Chi Alpha service is able to get off the ground by unloading the equipment trailer and bringing all the equipment to our Chi Alpha service. This team also packs up all the equipment and loads it back into the trailer after service. This is a crucial team and honestly Chi Alpha would not be the same without all the amazing members!
• Time Commitment: 5:15-6:15pm and/or 30-45 minutes after Chi Alpha whenever you are available


Worship Team

The heart of Worship Team is to bring glory and praise to God through the amazing talents and skills God has graciously gifted to us. Each week the Worship Team helps us all focus our minds and

hearts on God and prepares us to receive a word of encouragement and wisdom from the speaker

at our Chi Alpha service.
• Time Commitment: 5:30pm-9:30pm Thursdays when scheduled

(please tell us what instrument you play in the form!)


Sound Team

The Sound Team makes sure that the Good News of Jesus can be heard by everyone in the room! These are the people who make the Worship Team shine through EQing each instrument and voice for the service during worship practice and play hype music before and after service. Never touched a sound board? Don’t worry! We can train you!
• Time Commitment: 5:30pm-9:30pm Thursdays when scheduled


ProPresenter Team

What are announcements without graphics? Or worship without words? Or a sermon without scripture or notes? The ProPresenter Team helps everyone to engage in our service through our eyes and our minds by managing slides, graphics, and videos during our Chi Alpha service. 
• Time Commitment: 6:00pm-9:30pm Thursdays when scheduled


Outreach Team

The outreach team has a heart to go to the hard to reach parts of campus and invite new people

into our community. If you love meeting new people this team is for you!

• Time Commitment: Varies

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